“WisHope Recovery gave me techniques and tools to live a better life. Besides my sobriety, WisHope helped me deal with my feelings and emotions and showed me positive actions and better ways of thinking. My experience there gave me true self-confidence and the ability to listen and accept. The staff held me accountable and helped me face and deal with the chaos I’d created while teaching me how to properly repair the destruction and break down my walls. They offered honesty, empathy, and compassion and these were all the things I had never practiced in my life. They helped me regain control of my life and the love from my family. They showed me how to be a decent, if not good person. My connection with the staff was really emotional once I accepted and realized the amount of help I needed, I opened up. Being completely honest and vulnerable created a level of respect and trust, which made the hard days easier to work through. I don’t believe I ever cried so much in front of people I didn’t know. The level of openness and honesty that was created is something I will always be grateful for and never let go of. If it wasn’t for WisHope Recovery, I would have continued to be tearing everything in my life apart. I would not have the confidence to believe that my life is worth living!”