Psychodrama Therapy in Waukesha and Milwaukee, Wisconsin
WisHope Recovery’s Psychodrama Therapy Program is based in Waukesha and Milwaukee and serves all of Wisconsin’s recovery community members. Psychodrama is a tool used in psychotherapy to help individuals gain insight into their lives and heal through spontaneous dramatization, role-playing, and dramatic self-presentation.
WRC recognizes how vital the mind, body, and spirit are in their connection to the whole person. This is why we take a holistic approach to treating our Wisconsin community members who are struggling with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions. Our entire approach is centered around treating the whole person. Since opening our doors, WisHope Recovery’s Psychodrama Therapy Program has helped thousands of individuals struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders to heal and live a more satisfactory and cohesive life. We offer a deeply comprehensive and tailored therapy program that addresses the needs of each client.

Psychodrama Therapy in Waukesha and Milwaukee, Wisconsin
WisHope Recovery’s Psychodrama Therapy Program is based in Waukesha and Milwaukee and serves all of Wisconsin’s recovery community members. Psychodrama is a tool used in psychotherapy to help individuals gain insight into their lives and heal through spontaneous dramatization, role-playing, and dramatic self-presentation.
WRC recognizes how vital the mind, body, and spirit are in their connection to the whole person. This is why we take a holistic approach to treating our Wisconsin community members who are struggling with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions. Our entire approach is centered around treating the whole person. Since opening our doors, WisHope Recovery’s Psychodrama Therapy Program has helped thousands of individuals struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders to heal and live a more satisfactory and cohesive life. We offer a deeply comprehensive and tailored therapy program that addresses the needs of each client.
Who Can Benefit from Psychodrama Therapy?
Research shows that most mental health conditions and emotional issues can be addressed using psychodrama
Psychodrama Addressed Issues Including the Following:
- Addiction or Substance Use Disorders
- Co-occurring Mental Health Disorders
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Phobias
- Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome
- Eating Disorders
- Personality Disorder
- Self-Harm
- Relationship Issues
- Family Difficulties
Our Psychodrama Therapy Program - What to Expect
Our psychodrama therapy sessions typically include a therapist (who also acts as the director), a stage area, and two or more participants. The director facilitates the session to ensure all the rules are being followed, encourages participants to participate and share, and works to keep everyone safe. Each session includes a warm-up activity, the ‘action phase’, and then time for reflecting and sharing.
Specially, this program aims to help participants:
- Explore how their past experiences have shaped their future;
- Promote the use of their individual imagination to support healing
- Identify old responses and practice new ones to enhance well-being now and in the future
- Use creativity with group dynamics and role theory to gain a new perspective of their various roles in life
- Offer a safe space to explore challenges and discover new solutions
- Improve empathy by better understanding other people’s life roles
- Relate more clearly to their inner thoughts by sharing them with the other participants
- Maintain focus on the problem at hand while simultaneously utilizing imagination and creativity.
Our Comprehensive and Evidence-Based Treatment Modalities
Our Psychodrama Therapy Program can be utilized with any of the other treatment modalities we offer at WRC, which are provided by our well-rounded staff and aim to create a semantic and sensory experience in order to heal the whole person. Our treatment modalities include:
Insurance for Psychodrama Therapy in Wisconsin
WisHope Recovery Center is covered by most insurances, including United Health Care, UMR, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, Aetna, Quartz, Forest County Potawatomi, WEA Trust, Cigna, Humana, Exceedent, WPS, and Sanford.
You probably have a ton more questions.
Whatever your issues may be, we are here for you! Helping our Wisconsin recovery community members to find the support they need to live a healthy and full life is what we’re most passionate about. We look forward to supporting you!